IP range details

AS18456  ·  General Dynamics Information Technology, Inc.

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Country United States
Domain gdit.com
ASN AS18456
Registry arin
Hosted IPs 256

WHOIS Details

NetHandle:      NET-155-95-0-0-1
OrgID:          GDIT
Parent:         NET-155-0-0-0-0
NetName:        GDIT-NET3
NetRange: -
NetType:        allocation
RegDate:        1991-10-31
Updated:        2021-12-14
Source:         ARIN

OrgID:          GDIT
OrgName:        General Dynamics Information Technology, Inc.
Street:         3150 Fairview Park Drive
City:           Falls Church
State/Prov:     VA
Country:        US
PostalCode:     22042
RegDate:        2007-02-26
Updated:        2021-01-16
OrgAdminHandle: DNSAD189-ARIN
OrgTechHandle:  DNSAD189-ARIN
OrgAbuseHandle: DNSAD189-ARIN
Source:         ARIN

POCHandle:      DNSAD189-ARIN
IsRole:         Y
LastName:       dns-admin
Street:         3150 Fairview Park Drive
City:           Falls Church
State/Prov:     VA
Country:        US
PostalCode:     22042
RegDate:        2007-02-26
Updated:        2024-01-18
OfficePhone:    +1-800-242-0230
Mailbox:        dns-admin@gdit.com
Source:         ARIN

Hosted domains

There are no domains currently hosted on this ASN.

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IP addresses in this range

What are IP address ranges?

IP address ranges, or netblocks, are groups of related IP addresses. They are usually represented as a base IP address, followed by a slash, and then a netmask which represents how many IP addresses are contained within the netblock. This format is known as CIDR. You'll also sometimes see netblocks given as a start ip address, and an end ip address, or an ip address range.

Traffic works its way around the internet based on the routing table, which contains a list of networks and their associated netblocks.

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